Initiating an auction

A rebalancing auction is started when the basket publisher calls the publishNewIndex function on the basket contract.

This function takes the following arguments:


an array of token addresses


an array of weights. The weight is the amount of a given token for each


the minimum ibRatio that will be required after a successful rebalance

The ibRatio (index to basket ratio) is a parameter that tracks the amount of each token in the basket over time.

Number of tokens[i] in 1 basket token = weights[i] * ibRatio

The ibRatio is 1 at basket creation.

The ibRatio will decrease when fees are collected.

The ibRatio can increase if rebalancing auctions are favorable to basket token holders

The first time the publisher calls publishNewIndex , the new index will be queued for a 24 hour timelock. After the required time has elapsed, the publisher will be able to call publishNewIndex again to start the auction.

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