What is Kuiper?

Kuiper is an asset management protocol that bundles ERC20 tokens into baskets and mints an ERC20 token representing the basket.

Basket contracts are created through the Factory contract which also creates an Auction contract for each basket.

Basket contracts are ERC20 tokens with 18 decimals.

Who can propose an index to the protocol?

Kuiper is a permissionless protocol - anyone can create a basket.

Index proposers are called publishers.

Who can accept an index proposed to the protocol?

Kuiper is a permissionless protocol - accept an index proposed to the protocol

Index proposal acceptors are called asset issuers.

What can a basket publisher do?

Subject to a 24 hour timelock, a basket publisher can:

  • propose basket weights and composition

  • change the license fee on the basket

  • set the publisher to a new address

How are baskets rebalanced?

When a new weighting proposal for a basket passes the timelock, a rebalancing auction is started where anyone can bond a portion of the basket token supply and settle the auction by rebalancing the basket.

The amounts needed to rebalance the basket are determined by the new weights as well as how long it takes for the auction to become settled.

If an auction has not been settled after being bonded within 24 hours, the bond can be burned and the auction will need to be started again. Bounties can also be added to the auction that are claimed by the auction settler to incentivize rebalances.

What assets are compatible with Kuiper?

The protocol is designed for standard ERC20 tokens, it is not currently concerned with the potential effects of rebasing or non-standard ERC20 implementations such as tokens that take a fee on transfers. Publishers are responsible for ensuring all tokens in indices are compatible with Kuiper.

How do Kuiper fees work?

License fees for a basket are split between the publisher as well as the protocol owner if the protocol fee is turned on. They are calculated and handled on each mint or burn of the basket. The protocol owner fee split must be less than 20% of the basket's license fee. The fee split is 0% at launch.

Last updated